Where to find the Swoop® Portable MR Imaging® System.
Medical professionals use the Swoop Portable MR Imaging system at facilities worldwide.
Find a Swoop portable MR brain imaging system near you by contacting Hyperfine, Inc. The Swoop system is commercially available in the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Pakistan.
Additionally, Hyperfine, Inc. has deployed Swoop research systems in Ethiopia, Germany, Ghana, Malawi, the Netherlands, South Africa, Sweden, Uganda, the United Kingdom, and Zambia.

The Swoop® system brings MR brain imaging within reach.
The Swoop system brings brain imaging within reach for clinicians to help them make clinical decisions in a variety of healthcare settings across a range of conditions. The first FDA-cleared portable MR brain imaging system that combines safe, ultra-low-field magnetic resonance with proprietary artificial intelligence, the Swoop system potentially enables timelier treatment decisions, quicker discharges, and more efficient use of staff and hospital resources.