Swoop® Portable MR Imaging® System
Frequently asked questions from patients.
Frequently asked questions.
Is it safe?
The Swoop system design ensures low risk to the operator, patient, and nearby medical staff or family members. The Swoop system is FDA cleared for use in patients of all ages.
Does the MRI exam hurt?
The MRI examination is entirely noninvasive (no incisions are required). While some patients may experience claustrophobia, anxiety, or minor discomfort, Hyperfine, Inc. designed the Swoop portable MR brain imaging system to minimize the occurrence of these conditions.

Can a family member stay with the patient during the MRI exam?
Yes. That’s one of the best things about the Swoop system! Loved ones can remain right at the patient’s bedside.
How should the patient prepare for the MRI exam?
The patient only needs to remove items on or around the head and neck, including jewelry (earrings, necklaces, hair accessories, headphones, earbuds, etcetera).
What about the noise?
Noise from the Swoop system is substantially lower than what you hear in a conventional MRI system. And, because noise levels are low, hearing protection is optional for the patient.
What happens during the MRI exam?
After the Swoop system is set up at your bedside, you will stay in your bed the entire time with your head resting in the transparent ‘helmet’ inside the Swoop system. Vibrations will produce rhythmic tones as the system acquires images during the scan.
What happens after the MRI exam?
After reviewing the MR images, a doctor will discuss the results with you and recommend the next steps.

Can the Swoop system be used for children?
Yes. The Swoop system is FDA-cleared for all age groups, including babies and children. And, because of the open design and lower magnetic field of the Swoop portable MR brain imaging system, parents or another family member can stay right at the child’s bedside.
What about other machines such as monitoring equipment and infusion pumps?
The Swoop system has been tested and is safe to use near other hospital machines, such as monitoring equipment and infusion pumps, located outside of the system’s magnetic field.
How does the Swoop system compare to a conventional MRI system?
Conventional MRI systems use extremely large, powerful magnets and can only be used in a fixed location. Both conventional MRI scanners and the Swoop system use magnetic fields and radio waves to create images of internal body organs. The Swoop system uses a relatively small lower-field magnet and can move around a hospital as needed. Even with its portable form factor and smaller magnet, the Swoop system can produce diagnostically acceptable images that help doctors diagnose abnormalities, injuries, infections, or diseases.